kick your stress!

If you are feeling stressed, then you may be having trouble with sleeping and concentrating, and with being positive and hopeful. Your body may be trying to get you to recognise that it is feeling stressed by giving you headaches, making you feel sick, giving you indigestion, a fluttery feeling in the tummy, or any one of a number of other signs that are trying to show you that you need to relax

Recognise your signs of stress

Think of a time that was stressful for you - it might have been an exam or a disagreement with a friend, or maybe you needed to tell someone something really important and didn't know how they'd react.
Try to remember how your body felt

* Did you have butterflies in the tummy before the exam?
* Did you get a headache when arguing?
* Did you find it hard to sleep before telling that person the news?

Stop now and have a think about how it felt for you. Perhaps you could write those signs down so you'll remember later.

Dealing with stress (your reactions)

  • How did you deal with the stress in the situation you thought about before? Was it helpful?
  • Was there another situation where you dealt with stress really well?
Perhaps you could write those strategies down to remember for times you need them. There are many choices in the way that you can deal with stress. Talk to friends about good ways they use to deal with stress to increase your choices.

Positive self-talk

Positive self-talk helps you tap into your inner strengths. We all have inner strengths. Positive self-talk is about using your mind in the way you want, to help yourself. It helps us to decide how we'll react to stress. When we do the opposite (negative thinking) we create more stress for ourselves. Here are some ways to use Positive self-talk.
  • Tell yourself positive statements every day (examples: "I am good at ….", "I have inner strength", "I have true beauty within", "All is well", "I feel peaceful now").
  • Picture seeing yourself in a positive situation - one that you want to move towards (eg. see yourself doing that school test and being relaxed about it, and doing well. Picture the teacher reading your test and being impressed on how well you did).
  • Remind yourself of things you've done well in the past ("I did well on that school project last year – this means I can do it again").
  • Look at the big picture - will it really matter in 5 years? Will the world stop turning if it does or doesn't happen?
  • Work on what you can control, accept the rest and let it go.
  • You can even make a tape of your own voice saying positive, relaxing, supportive things.


What do you find relaxing?
  • Is it dancing, art, meditation, fishing, going for a walk with friends, reading a book, listening to music, shopping, a gym work-out, talking to a friend or playing sport?
Think about things you can do that relax you, and find ways to build them into your weekly routine. These are ways both to prevent stress and to deal with stress.
There are other ways to relax and unwind.
  • How about a massage? You could give a friend a neck and shoulder massage or a hand massage and ask for one back.
  • Perhaps a yoga or tai chi class is for you.
  • Herbal teas like chamomile may help and so can a warm bath or aromatherapy oils like lavender oil.
There are quick relaxation techniques that take just a few minutes. You can use these in many places. For example take a few minutes to relax in the middle of an exam if you find yourself getting stressed and not thinking clearly.
  • Deep breathing - breathe in through the nose and let the air fill the bottom of your lungs first, breathe right down to your stomach, then breathe out slowly, concentrating on letting the muscles of your body relax.
  • Focused breathing - breathe in through the nose and as you breathe out say a positive statement to yourself like relax or calm down.
  • Stretching - stretch out muscles, reach the arms above the head and stretch, or just stretch whatever part of the body you feel needs it.
  • Visualisation - this is where you picture a pleasant place and use slow breathing through the nose - you can make the place anywhere you want to and you can change anything in the picture to see, feel, sound or smell just as you wish.


Many people find physical activity helps burn up some of that stress. It can be fun too.

hope it will help you...

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Alcohol - drinking too much

What is an alcohol problem?

People have different ideas about what 'problem drinking' or an 'alcohol problem' is – but most would agree that it involves a level of alcohol use which causes ongoing troubles in the lives of the alcohol users and of their families and friends.
Some of the problems could be:

* drinking leading to arguments and fights
* problems at work, like being late, not turning up for work, causing accidents at work because of being drunk or hung-over
* problems at school, TAFE, Uni like being late, taking days off, not getting work done or in on time
* being in road accidents because of being drunk or hung-over
* money worries because all the money is spent on alcohol
* being arrested for drink-driving, having drink-driving fines to pay, loss of driver's licence, or going to jail
* health problems - alcohol can be pretty rough on the body
* becoming dependent on alcohol (sometimes called alcoholism)
* drinking more and more alcohol to feel the effects.

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Sodium (salt)

what is sodium (salt)?

  • Sodium an element which is part of common salt.

What does it do?

  • A small amount of sodium is needed for normal body functioning. It is involved in many cell processes.

Where is it found?

  • Sodium is found in table salt, baking soda, and MSG (monosodium glutamate). It is also present in many foods, especially processed ones.

What happens if we don't get enough?

  • This would be rare, as sodium is hard to avoid, and most of us have far more than we need. A lot is lost from the body with excessive sweating or diarrhoea, so more may be needed in these cases.

What happens if we get too much?

  • Some people are more likely to get high blood pressure if there is a lot of salt in their diet. It is wise to avoid salty foods as much as possible.
  • The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has made some recommendations for sodium intakes for Australians
    • Babies 0 to 6 months 120 mg per day
    • Babies 7 to 12 months 170 mg per day
    • Children 1 to 3 years recommended 200-400 mg per day, upper limit 1,000 mg per day
    • Children 4 to 8 years recommended 300-600 mg per day, upper limit 1,400 mg per day
    • Children 9 to 13 years recommended 400-800 mg per day, upper limit 2,000 mg per day
    • Young people 14 to 18 years recommended 460 to 920 mg per day, upper limit 2,300 mg per day
    • Adults 460-920 mg per day, upper limit 2,300 mg per day

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Why people choose to become vegetarian?

An increasing number of young people, especially young girls are choosing not to eat meat, particularly red meat.
Vegetarianism may be a short lived decision for some young people - for others it may be for a lifetime.
Reasons for choosing to become a vegetarian include:
  • concerns about the killing of animals
  • some young people choose not to eat meat because it makes them feel 'heavy'
  • taste - they don't like meat
  • living in a vegetarian household
  • religious beliefs
  • it is trendy
  • budget reasons - meat can be expensive
  • a small number may become vegetarian when they have an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa. See the topic Eating disorders.

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5 Easy Ways To Improve Indoors Air Quality

1. Keep the floor clean
Substances can build up in household dust over a long time.  Using a vacum with a HEPA filter can lower your home’s concentrations of lead, fire retardants, and allergens. A HEPA filter, strong suction power, and rotating brushes help to keep the dust and dirt from escaping the vacuum cleaner.  Go over high-traffic areas multiple times.  Take care to get the edges, and also vacuum your walls and upholstered furniture.  Vacuum at least twice weekly.  Clean the filter regularly. Use a mop to pick up the dust still left.  Use a microfiber mop or cloth, dampened with water only.  You don’t need to add cleaning chemicals to the process.
Place doormats at all entryways.  Doormats help keep out dirt, pesticides, and other things you don’t want brought into the house.  The bigger the mat, the more pollutants it will capture, even when people don’t actually wipe their shoes.
Any home built before 1978 probably still has lead paint inside.  Even in newer homes, lead dust can be tracked in from outside, putting young children at risk for brain, nervous system, and kidney damage.  Pesticides from outdoors can also cause brain damage in kids.
Keep your home safer by asking people to take off their shoes when they come in.  Keep slippers or house shoes by the door.

2. Control humidity
Keep humidity at about 30%-50% in order to discourage mold, dust mites, and other allergens.  A dehumidifier or air conditioner will

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healthy from disease

There are a few tips that can help the readers of this article with the benefits of using nature to lead a healthy and disease free life.

1. Nutrition: Eating a diet that provides adequate vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and adequate protein will help the individual in lead a healthy and disease free life. A vegetarian or a meat free diet can also be modified to provide the adequate nutrients that are required for a healthy balanced diet.

2. Exercise: Walking and cycling used to be the modes of transport of people in the years gone by. This has given way to motor cycles and cars. These modes of transport may be fast in transporting people, but they are also fast tracking and sending the people to the hospital with diseases caused by inadequate exercises. Elevators and escalators have replaced steps. All these have led to decreased exercises and have made people lazy and prone to illness. Proper and adequate exercises will help in increasing the vitality, strength and also the endurance of the whole muscular system of the individual.

3. Water: Water is one of the natural healing medicine. Drinking pure and natural water can help to prevent many of the diseases that are common. Water also has a cooling effect on the body and helps to reduce fever. Steam baths can help to relax the body and remove toxins from the body. It also helps in improving the immunity of the person. Use of clean water can lead a healthy and disease free life.

4. Sunshine: Adequate sunshine is necessary for the skin to be normal. T gives good health to the individual if not over exposed. Sunshine also helps the body to manufacture Vit6amin D. This is necessary for Calcium absorption which can lead to healthy bones.

5. Temperance: Abstaining from substances that can cause various addictions and problems in the body is necessary for an individual to lead a healthy and disease free life. The individual should avoid cigarettes, alcohol and also all forms of tobacco. This can prevent various physical and also emotional problems and can keep the individual healthy and disease free.

6. Air: Fresh air can give a heady feeling to any person. Air is the life breath of all people. Good pollution free air will help to lead a healthy and disease free life.

7. Rest: Adequate rest and relaxation is also necessary for an individual to lead a healthy and disease free life. Life needs to be balanced between work and home. Relaxation should be adequately planned with holidays and vacations clearing the mind of all problems.

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Why Healthy Eating is Better Than "Dieting"

One of the reasons that adults experience weight problems and ill-health, is because they followed drastic or unhealthy weight loss diets during their teenage years. Dieting to reduce weight is not recommended until growth (including internal physical development) has ceased, usually around the age of 18. If you are younger than this, and very overweight, your doctor can help you by putting you in contact with a dietician who will create a healthy eating plan to allow growth to continue but prevent further weight gain. Ideally, discuss this with your parents.

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Daftar Alamat Blog Mahasiswa Cyberpreneurship XH

blogMeningkatkan traffic merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap situs atau blog, apalagi jika memang tujuan pembuatan situs / blog kita adalah untuk sarana bisnis atau marketing. Traffic erat kaitannya dengan pengunjung, dan pengunjung situs dalam berkunjung ke situs kita dapat melalui 3 (tiga) jalan, yaitu (1) melalui akses langsung (direct), tentu dengan mengetikkan alamat blog kita di browser, (2) melalui mesin pencari atau search engine seperti Google dan Yahoo, dan (3) melalui referral atau link dari situs lain.

Untuk meningkatkan traffic situs tentu dengan mengoptimalkan ketiga sumber pengunjung tersebut. Sumber yang pertama umumnya dapat ditingkatkan melalui publikasi secara langsung dan personal branding, sehingga banyak orang yang mengetahui alamat situs kita. Contohnya misalnya dengan menyertakan alamat situs kita di kartu nama. Sumber kedua dapat ditingkatkan dengan menerapkan konsep SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Dan sumber yang ketiga dapat dioptimasi salah satunya dengan bertukar link antar pemilik situs.
Buat mahasiswa saya di matakuliah Cyberpreneurship kelompok XH yang sudah mengirimkan tugas pertama berupa alamat blog / situs, silahkan meningkatkan traffic situs melalui pertukaran link. Berikut ini saya sertakan link situs / blog yang sudah saya terima. Bagi yang nama dan situsnya belum tercantum, dapat menambahkannya melalui komentar di posting ini.
  1. Agung Anugrah Pangestu
  2. Ahmad Fajrul Isnaini
  3. Alvionia Hartono Putri
  4. Amelia Berkah
  5. Ardy Suprianto
  6. Bambang Kustori
  7. Candra Gumilar,
  8. Diniwulandari,
  9. Dzulfiqar Syahputra
  10. Epriliana,
  11. Erian Dwi Hartanto
  12. Firmansyah
  13. Frits Sandy Tegai,
  14. Gusti Rizka Rustandi
  15. Hasymy Ridwan,
  16. Hesti Setyorini
  17. Idham Fadel Muhammad
  18. Immanuel Tobing
  19. Indah Saputri
  20. Jeni Faturahman
  21. Kurnia Rizqi
  22. Mei Lanni
  23. Muammar Ridwan
  24. Muhamad Arief
  25. Muhammad Ardi Wibowo
  26. Muhammad Syafi’I
  27. Ni Made Frami
  28. Nico Irfiansyah
  29. Nubli Hawari
  30. Okta Syafarudin,
  31. Oky Pradipta
  32. Prasetyo Wibowo
  33. Purwa Cendikia Handayani
  34. Retno Hartami,
  35. Ridwan Megatomi
  36. Septi Ariyani,,
  37. Setyadi Pramudi
  38. Sidik Permana,
  39. Subagyo Bagus Yuwono
  40. Tomi Wijanarko
  41. Wira Pebrianti
  42. Yogi Purnamasari
  43. Yudi Firdaus
* mohon maaf jika terjadi kesalahan penulisan nama.
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1. Which has more calories and fat and why? -- a plain sugared doughnut with a hole in the middle, or a round jelly filled doughnut?

While they could never be thought of as a weight-watchers option, jelly doughnuts have fewer calories and less fat than plain ring ones, while a ring doughnut might weigh less, it has a greater surface area exposed to the oil than a round one.

2. Corn oil is odorless, has very little taste, and has a high smoke point, which makes it good for frying. It is also widely used in manufacturing salad dressing, mayonnaise and margarine.

Corn oil contains very little cholesterol. It's fatty acid content is 13% saturated, 62% polyunsaturated, and 25% monounsaturated.

Ground beef should be used within 2 days of purchase. Frozen at 0 degrees F, ground beef will last up to 3 months.

Ground beef must be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius). Using a digital or dial food thermometer is crucial, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says, because research results indicate that some ground meat may prematurely brown before a safe internal temperature has been

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Cholesterol, fiber and oat bran

Fiber is classified as "soluble" or "insoluble." When regularly eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, soluble fiber has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol and may also help reduce the risk of diabetes and colon and rectal cancer. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat at least 25–30 grams of dietary fiber — in both soluble and insoluble forms — every day. The more calories you require to meet your daily needs, the more dietary fiber you need. Try to eat at least 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories you consume.
Here are some tips to help you add more fiber to your diet.

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The Positive Benefits of Food Irradiation

People often become ill after eating contaminated poultry. Symptoms may range from a simple stomach-ache to incapacitating stomach and intestinal disorders, occasionally resulting in death.

Irradiating food to prevent illness from food-borne bacteria is not a new concept. Research on the technology began shortly after World War II, when the US Army began a series of experiments irradiating fresh foods for troops in the field. Since 1963, FDA has passed rules permitting irradiation to curb insects in foods and microorganisms in spices, control parasite contamination in pork, and retard spoilage in fruits and vegetables.

But to many people the word irradiation spells danger. It is associated with atomic bomb explosions and nuclear reactor accidents such as those at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island

Irradiation does not make food radioactive and, therefore, does not increase human exposure to radiation. The specified exposure times and energy levels of radiation sources approved for foods are inadequate to induce radioactivity in the products. The process involves exposing food to a source of radiation, such as to the gamma rays from radioactive cobalt or cesium or to x-rays. However, no radioactive material is ever added to the product. Manufacturers use the same technique to sterilize many disposable medical devices like syringes and needles.

The World Health Organization believes irradiation can substantially reduce food poisoning. According to a 35 year WHO study, there has been a constant increase in the incidence of food-borne diseases, as well as the emergence of “new” disease-causing organisms, such as Listeria.

Food irradiation would be another weapon in the arsenal against food-borne illness. FDA and WHO, however, emphasize that irradiation is not a substitute for careful handling, storage and cooking of food. Irradiated poultry can become recontaminated if placed next to contaminated, nonirradiated poultry, or left unrefrigerated so that the remaining organisms can grow.

However, as Tanya Roberts of USDA’s Economic Research Service stresses, the future of irradiation depends on consumer acceptance – based largely on proof that the process can produce safer foods at lower cost.

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Health Bloggers’ Top 4 Tips for Losing Weight—and Keeping It Off

As a healthy-living blogger, I am always curious about what others eat, how they squeeze in exercise, and how they keep chugging along with their weight maintenance. Tapping in to a supportive community was key to my weight loss, and I still love discovering new tricks. Spending three days with 14 health-minded bloggers on the POM Harvest Tour helped me develop a different perspective on maintaining my Feel Great Weight. My new blogger friends showed me that even the smallest healthy habits can make a big difference on both the scale and in their attitudes.

Get up and get moving.
Cramped hotel gyms and limited space to pack workout gear are no excuse for staying sedentary. Gina of the Fitnessista started her mornings with some yoga. She didn’t need a fancy yoga studio or even a mat. Instead, she laid down a towel in her hotel room and used a free podcast on her iPod to start her morning off on the right foot. Gina’s yoga practice inspired me to start my morning with this type of movement and focus. Incorporating this type of exercise first thing into my day keeps my weight-loss goals at the top of my mind, which helps me make the best possible choices for myself.

Save your splurge.
When our group of bloggers arrived in California, we were welcomed with a group dinner at BJ’s Brewhouse. BJ’s was the type of restaurant where you could easily overdo it with the hearty American fare and a wonderful selection of BJ’s own beers. Sure, it was a special occasion, but we had plenty of special meals planned over the course of the next few days. So Roni of Roni’s Weigh “saved” her calories for the following night—a dinner at a much fancier restaurant. Instead of ordering a plain old beer at BJ’s, Roni splurged the next night on a special pomegranate martini.

Stop the fat talk.
During dinner one night on the blogger tour, Healthy Tipping Point’s Caitlin and I posted an Operation Beautiful note on the mirror in the bathroom of the restaurant. We stuck a Post-it with a positive message by the ladies’ room sink, reminding fellow diners that it doesn’t matter what the scale says, so long as you’re healthy. This small act of kindness put me in a wonderful mood for the rest of the evening. It still makes me smile at the thought of someone finding that note.

Shoot for the moon.
This is exactly what Emily of Sugar Plum is doing. Emily is still in her early 20s and hasn’t yet had any formal culinary training, but she’s scored a spot on the Food Network’s Ultimate Recipe Showdown—not once, but twice! Her ambition and determination have inspired me to continue to work hard to achieve my goals—with my weight maintenance, my new job, and more.

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Healthy Methods to Cook Vegetables

Vegetables are naturally low in calories, fat, and sodium, and are good sources of important vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Let the natural flavor of vegetables come through. Use less butter, margarine, salad dressing, honey, and soy sauce to keep down extra calories, fat, sugars, and sodium.

Use a minimum amount of water, cook vegetables to the “tender-crisp” stage so they look and taste best and retain more nutrients. Scrub potatoes, cook, and serve unpeeled for more fiber. Try cooking starchy vegetables in unsalted broth for added flavor. Add herbs and spices to enhance flavor. Start with a “pinch” and then let your taste be your guide.

Make your own low-fat, low-sodium, condiments. Try making your own salsa by mixing diced fresh or “no-salt-added” canned tomatoes with diced onions, green peppers, and chilies. Make your own salad dressings. Creamy dressings can be made with plain low-fat yogurt rather than sour cream or mayonnaise. Sprinkle lemon juice and herbs on steamed vegetables.

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, green peas, and dry beans are not high in calories. But calories climb up high when vegetables are fried and when sweet or fatty sauces and seasonings are added.

Cooked or canned dry beans and peas are good in main dishes as well as soups and salads. Here are some simple dishes to try. Combine black beans and rice with chili powder or other peppery seasoning for a Caribbean-style dish, or combine black-eyed peas and rice in a traditional Southern “Hoppin’ John.” Try a mixture of any of the following beans with diced onion and a vinaigrette dressing for a three-bean salad; green beans, kidney beans, lima beans, and chickpeas (garbanzo beans). Add kidney beans or chickpeas to a lettuce or spinach salad. Blend well soaked and cooked chickpeas with fresh parsley, optional clove of garlic, a dash of olive oil and lemon juice, then refrigerate for a surprisingly tasty dip (Humus).

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Why is it called ‘junk’ food?

Eating patterns are linked to the development of health problems. The foods that are more likely to lead to health problems are often called ‘junk foods’. Foods that contain lots of fat, salt and sugar are the villains! Also, foods that do not have enough fibre are a problem.

Here’s why:

* Diets high in fat (especially saturated fat) have been linked to increased risk of heart disease – like heart attacks. Part of the reason is that fatty deposits (plaques) can develop inside blood vessels, so not enough blood can get through to your heart, or brain or other important organs. These changes start to happen in many young people, even under the age of 20, although usually heart attacks don’t happen until people get older.
* Salt plays a very important and complicated role in the body. But diets that are high in salt can put you at risk of high blood pressure, which in turn can affect your brain… your eyes… your heart…
* Foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar are high in kilojoules. That is, they provide the body with LOTS of energy. If you are not using energy – ie. not exercising much – then you are likely to put on weight.
* Too much sugar, especially when you don’t brush, contributes to tooth decay!
* Not having enough fibre makes you more likely to suffer from constipation, plus you may be more likely to develop appendicitis and cancer of the colon (bowel).

Modern life is fast! There is a lot to do and not much time. So many people rely on ready-to-eat foods and ‘fast foods’.

Because fat and salt and sugar make foods taste good, ‘fast foods’ tend to have high levels of all of these, to make people buy more. That is OK for once in a while, but not for every day.

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