kick your stress!
If you are feeling stressed, then you may be having trouble with sleeping and concentrating, and with being positive and hopeful. Your body may be trying to get you to recognise that it is feeling stressed by giving you headaches, making you feel sick, giving you indigestion, a fluttery feeling in the tummy, or any one of a number of other signs that are trying to show you that you need to relax
Recognise your signs of stress
Think of a time that was stressful for you - it might have been an exam or a disagreement with a friend, or maybe you needed to tell someone something really important and didn't know how they'd react.
Try to remember how your body felt
* Did you have butterflies in the tummy before the exam?
* Did you get a headache when arguing?
* Did you find it hard to sleep before telling that person the news?
Stop now and have a think about how it felt for you. Perhaps you could write those signs down so you'll remember later.
Dealing with stress (your reactions)
- How did you deal with the stress in the situation you thought about before? Was it helpful?
- Was there another situation where you dealt with stress really well?
Positive self-talk
Positive self-talk helps you tap into your inner strengths. We all have inner strengths. Positive self-talk is about using your mind in the way you want, to help yourself. It helps us to decide how we'll react to stress. When we do the opposite (negative thinking) we create more stress for ourselves. Here are some ways to use Positive self-talk.- Tell yourself positive statements every day (examples: "I am good at ….", "I have inner strength", "I have true beauty within", "All is well", "I feel peaceful now").
- Picture seeing yourself in a positive situation - one that you want to move towards (eg. see yourself doing that school test and being relaxed about it, and doing well. Picture the teacher reading your test and being impressed on how well you did).
- Remind yourself of things you've done well in the past ("I did well on that school project last year – this means I can do it again").
- Look at the big picture - will it really matter in 5 years? Will the world stop turning if it does or doesn't happen?
- Work on what you can control, accept the rest and let it go.
- You can even make a tape of your own voice saying positive, relaxing, supportive things.
What do you find relaxing?- Is it dancing, art, meditation, fishing, going for a walk with friends, reading a book, listening to music, shopping, a gym work-out, talking to a friend or playing sport?
There are other ways to relax and unwind.
- How about a massage? You could give a friend a neck and shoulder massage or a hand massage and ask for one back.
- Perhaps a yoga or tai chi class is for you.
- Herbal teas like chamomile may help and so can a warm bath or aromatherapy oils like lavender oil.
- Deep breathing - breathe in through the nose and let the air fill the bottom of your lungs first, breathe right down to your stomach, then breathe out slowly, concentrating on letting the muscles of your body relax.
- Focused breathing - breathe in through the nose and as you breathe out say a positive statement to yourself like relax or calm down.
- Stretching - stretch out muscles, reach the arms above the head and stretch, or just stretch whatever part of the body you feel needs it.
- Visualisation - this is where you picture a pleasant place and use slow breathing through the nose - you can make the place anywhere you want to and you can change anything in the picture to see, feel, sound or smell just as you wish.
Many people find physical activity helps burn up some of that stress. It can be fun too.hope it will help you...
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