1. Which has more calories and fat and why? -- a plain sugared doughnut with a hole in the middle, or a round jelly filled doughnut?
While they could never be thought of as a weight-watchers option, jelly doughnuts have fewer calories and less fat than plain ring ones, while a ring doughnut might weigh less, it has a greater surface area exposed to the oil than a round one.
2. Corn oil is odorless, has very little taste, and has a high smoke point, which makes it good for frying. It is also widely used in manufacturing salad dressing, mayonnaise and margarine.
Corn oil contains very little cholesterol. It's fatty acid content is 13% saturated, 62% polyunsaturated, and 25% monounsaturated.
Ground beef should be used within 2 days of purchase. Frozen at 0 degrees F, ground beef will last up to 3 months.
Ground beef must be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius). Using a digital or dial food thermometer is crucial, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says, because research results indicate that some ground meat may prematurely brown before a safe internal temperature has been
reached. On the other hand, research findings also show that some ground meat patties cooked to 160 F or above may remain pink inside for a number of reasons; thus the color of meat alone is not considered a reliable indicator of ground beef safety. If eating out, order your ground beef to be cooked well-done.
reached. On the other hand, research findings also show that some ground meat patties cooked to 160 F or above may remain pink inside for a number of reasons; thus the color of meat alone is not considered a reliable indicator of ground beef safety. If eating out, order your ground beef to be cooked well-done.
Whats the best way to put out a grease fire in the kitchen?
If you dont have a fire extinguisher, salt tossed on a grease fire on the stove or in the oven will smother flames. Never use water; it will only spatter the burning grease.
Do irridescent colors on ham mean that its going bad?
No! The rainbow of iridescent color seen on slices of ham is caused by light refraction on the fat film on the ham slice. It does not indicate the ham is old, or spoiled. (Although spoiled ham can show this same iridescence).
How can you make fruit juice taste fresh longer?
Most fruit juice begins to taste a little stale after only a few days. This applies to both fresh juice and to juice purchased in containers. Aerating the juice can help revive the taste. do this by simply pouring it back and forth a few times, or fill a blender and turn it on for 3 or 4 seconds. A little seltzer added to fruit juice also refreshes the taste.
Always chill pastry dough before rolling and cutting, and always chill it again afterwards, before baking, to further relax the gluten.
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